Tag: refunds

Getting a Payment or Refund receipt

Once a payment or refund is created, Maatdesk allows you to obtain PDF or email receipts for those items as proof that they have been made. The ways you can get a receipt for payment or refund are: For single or multiple invoices First, go to where the payment or refund is: Payments window. Payments…

Issuing a Refund

Since a refund is the option to return money to the client, Maatdesk makes this action easy and hassle-free. In this tutorial, you will learn the basics of working with Refunds. During this tutorial, invoices generally refer to both types (bills and requests). Table of contents Issuing a Refund For single or multiple invoices For…

Structure of the Billing Details window

This guide explains all the elements involved in an invoice and the actions you can take from the Billing Details window. Table of contents Structure of the Billing Details window Invoice header Action buttons Status or “Actions” selector Detail level selector Share button Download PDF button Edit button Payment details Payments Credit Notes Invoice details…

Understanding Payments module

Through this guide, you will learn the basic concepts of the Payments window, an explanation of its main elements and what actions you can perform from this window. Table of contents Composition of the Payments window Structure of the Payment/Refund table Composition of the Payments window To access the Payments window, simply click the Payments…

Understanding Billing module

This guide explains all the elements involved in the Billing window and the basics of the Billing, Billable Clients, and Monthly/Retainer Fee tabs. Table of contents Composition of the Billing window Structure of the Billing tab Structure of the Invoice table Structure of the Billable Clients tab Structure of the Monthly/Retainer Fee tab Composition of…

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