Structure of the Request Details window
This guide explains all the elements involved in a request. Through this guide, you will learn the basic concepts of the Request Details window, what elements make it up, and what actions you can perform from this window. Table of contents Structure of the Request Details window Request header Request number Action buttons Status or…
Understanding Request status
Each request in Maatdesk can switch between its possible states (where each state has a meaning) once certain conditions are met or depending on the user’s decision, in turn allowing certain actions to be taken or not. This guide provides an explanation of each of the statuses of any request, what to do, and what…
Understanding Invoice statuses
This guide provides an explanation of each of the statuses of any invoice, what to do and what not to do in each of them. Table of contents Understanding invoice statuses Sub-states of the invoices Invoice statuses Draft status Pending Approval status Approved status Paid status Voided status Understanding invoice statuses Invoice statuses in Maatdesk…